What is the purpose of Salvation?

These blog articles are for Christian or non-christian who wants a deeper understanding and insight about the kingdom of God. I believe these inspired articles will shift your thinking and cultivate your spirit to know and understand your role and purpose on this earth.

Many people often don’t realized how great a miracle salvation is until we are unable to get someone to give their life to Jesus during evangelism. It is a miracle much greater than any recreation miracle you can ever witness because it is only the Holy Spirit that convicts the hearts of men. This is not to say that praying for people and telling them about Jesus Christ is vanity. All that sows a seed that only the life-giving water of the Holy Spirit can irrigate and cause to germinate or bear fruit.

Before salvation, most people are unaware of the supernatural because they are dead in sin. The few that are aware of spiritual activity are mostly only exposed to dark powers before encountering the light of Jesus Christ. Salvation in simple terms is being rescued from the consequences of sin according to Romans 6:23 that says “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Through Jesus Christ, you are then saved from the consequences of sin and death. However, one can be easily deceived if they don’t understand the concept of grace and the love of God that makes all this possible. It doesn’t mean that you can go about indulging in whatever sin without expecting to suffer the repercussions. Many have rendered salvation a scam because of misunderstanding what it is all about. They went about living carelessly and had to face the repercussions for whatever they did outside of the Lord.

The foundation of salvation is coming to the knowledge and revelation of God’s love for us. When our eyes were opened to the love that Christ had for us, we received salvation because we accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ. He approached us with love when we were yet so unlovable and made us stand in awe of His heart towards us. We are told that the goodness of God draws men to repentance in Romans 2:4. The response to salvation is repentance where we acknowledge our sinful nature and turn away. Romans 10:10 says “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.” These are the two things that happen when you receive salvation. You receive the revelation of the sinful Adamic nature you carry within you, and believe that God is able to give you the nature of righteousness. You also confess your sinful nature and declare with your tongue that you are turning away from the ways of the world.

We thank God for all the souls that have received salvation through the ministry of online Christian radio stations. Kingdom Alignment Radio not only aims to edify the believers but to also introduce the truth to those that do not know it. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I (Pastor Kayon Watson) endeavor to enlighten the world with the truth that is in God’s word. In addition to the online Christian radio, I have written diverse books that give sound scriptural direction on what comes after salvation.

Many people often wonder what happens after receiving salvation. It isn’t a feeling you get. You will still be the same as you were physically, but you will have been made a new creation. I used to think that you received a system upgrade until I read 2 Corinthians 5:17 that says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” When we receive salvation, we get a fresh beginning and all history becomes as though it didn’t exist. True life begins after salvation, and we are brought from death to life. We are born again and are as new as newborn babies who are blameless and innocent. The life we lived before salvation is disregarded because we were living outside of God’s plans for our life.

What are some of the things that most believers struggle to understand after salvation?

Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” It is typical to find a new believers beating themselves up for small mistakes. They imagine that after salvation, you drastically begin to walk as Jesus did. While the end goal is walking in the fullness of God, it doesn’t happen immediately after salvation. In fact, it takes communion with God to become like Him. God knows that whoever you spend most of your time with has the ability to influence your character in accordance with Psalm 1:1. Therefore, as you spend more time with Him, you will surely start to resemble Him more.

Make sure you put yourself in an environment where the presence, power, and word of God abides.
Associate yourself with God-minded people who love the Lord and who are moved by His spirit. Because iron sharpened iron and if you are fire and you associate yourself with water, you can be sure that your fire will not stay lit for too long.

The scripture said you should not put new wine in an old wine-skin
Why? because the new wine will burst the old wine-skin. The spiritual power and grace that the Lord has for you in this season will not stay caged in the territory of the past.
You will not know your Kairos (God’s timing) moment by earthly experience and knowledge but it is known by revelation. And it is attained by spiritual alignment.
How does a believer get aligned spiritually
1. By them hearing the word of God
2. By them believing that same spoken or written word of God
3. And by them being obedient to that same word by proclaiming and walking in it.
Your testimony is not only for your lifting up, but it is also for others to hear, see, believe, and be delivered by that same power.

According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, a new creation means just that; you are new. You see, there is a difference between a new product and a secondhand one. The new one has no previous history of use, while the latter has a history even if it is refurbished to look new. Many believers are stuck condemning themselves for the bad decisions they made before salvation. Some are even incapacitated from living the life God has for them for fear of the past coming up. To the world, there may still be a record of wrongs, but to God, you are as good as new. Hasn’t He said that He will remember your sins no more?

Salvation is the beginning of a new life in Christ. It marks the end of your season of walking in darkness, and ushers you into the eternal life of God that begins when you receive Jesus Christ. It requires patience and trust in God who will put a new spirit within you and cause you to walk in His ways. Salvation is too weighty for the human mind to understand, so no amount of deliberating will make you fathom the ways of God. The Lord is calling will you answer his call turn to him today before it is too late. Within salvation, there is new life in Jesus Christ old thing are passed away, and behold all thing has become new.  

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