How can a believer walk in God’s unlimited favor and blessings

How Can A Believer Walk In God’s Unlimited Favor And Blessings
These blog articles are for Christian or non-christian who wants a deeper understanding and insight about the kingdom of God. I believe these inspired articles will shift your thinking and cultivate your spirit to know and understand your role and purpose on this earth.

The biggest threat to a person’s destiny is not them being physically crippled but instead, is them being spiritually crippled. Being spiritually crippled can affect a person’s destiny in five ways:

1. It can keep them stuck in a begging state not knowing that this is not the father’s will for them to be in that state.

Matthew 7:7 ‘ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: ‘

James 4:3 ‘Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. ‘
You don’t beg of our earthly father, but you ask of him because as a son we have inherited the right to approach him, and it is the same way with our Heavenly Father.

2. It will prevent them from focusing on the Lord.

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. ‘

3. They will find it hard to remain standing in the power of God
Galatian 5:1

‘Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. ‘
4. They will not be able to walk in the glory of God

1 Thessalonians 2: 11-12

‘as ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father doth his children, that ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. ‘
5. They will not be able to give God the praise he deserves.

Psalms 150:1-6 ‘Let every thing that hath breath Praise the LORD . Praise ye the LORD .’

Firstly, I should let you know that God’s divine will for his children is for them to inherit all his favor and blessing (Proverb 3:1-4). But the knowledge some believers lack is that God’s favor cannot be activated unless a certain pre-requisite is fulfilled, and that is the obeying and honoring of the His Spirit (Holy Spirit), which I will touch on later.

According to, favor is a kind of helpful deed or goodwill toward another person. This means that favor is something a person receives from another without working for or even deserving it.

So, what is the favor of God? The favor of God is his mercies and grace extended to a believer through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, this means that God’s favor is his mercy qualifying the unqualified. To find out if you are in the right position to attract God’s favor, you first must test yourself by finding out the answers to these 3 fundamental questions.

1. Who are you?

2. Who is God to you and what position does He hold in your life?

3. What is the core purpose of your existence? Have you ever thought about this? Having and walking in this knowledge will put you in the position to attract God’s divine favors and blessings.

So, let us investigate to find the answer to the first question, who are you? Genesis 1:27 tell us that God created mankind in His image, and Genesis 2:7 says that God formed man out of the dust of the earth and then breathed his breath (God’s Spirit, Job 32:8) into man and he became a living soul (the soul is composed of the Mind- able to think and reason, the Will- able to make choices and decisions and Emotion- able to express his feeling through his physical body).

This means that you were perfectly and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14) because God put you under his divine microscope and perfectly wired every cell, blood vessel, organ, and nerve, ensuring there were no flaws or mistakes. This image and likeness (God’s identity) are not physical but spiritual. The Scripture outline in John 4:24 that God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must do it in spirit and truth. I will touch on this a little later.

Second question, who is God to you, and what position does He hold in your life? I believe this question is the most important of the three. After all, for you to find yourself, you first must find the source of your existence (which is God) because your identity is found in him. (Colossians 3:3)

Let us use this example if a prince after he was born, was taken away from his kingdom and brought to a different country to be brought up by a beggar. After growing up, he had no idea he is a prince. If this prince remains in this state, he will never know his real identity and in the end, will lose all that is rightfully his.

Sadly, to say but this is happening to many Christian believers because they lack the knowledge of what God has in store for them and how to tap into it. My agenda here today is to help you to walk in God’s divine favor.

The Lord wants you to walk in His extraordinary favor that will cause those around you to become Jealous. Your father is the master and Lord of all. He alone can bring blessing and favor in a time of famine (Genesis 26).

And this brings me to the final question what is the purpose of your existence? The Bible tells us in Isaiah 43:21, “the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise and Proverbs 3:3-4 says Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck and doing this you will get favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

So, from this, we can gather that God created you and me to praise, honor, and declare his name to all men, and if we do this while walking in faithfulness and love, it causes the favor and blessing of God to be attracted to us. The Lord wants his people to honor him, but the question might be how you can honor God. The greatest honor you can give God is hearing and obeying Him (the Holy Spirit).

The Holy Spirit is a mystery to many believers when this should not be since the Holy Spirit is the one who guides and aid a believer to know and understand the reason and purpose of their existence. As mentioned earlier, you cannot receive God’s favor if you refuse to honor and obey the Holy Spirit because He (Holy Spirit) is the life force that lives in you. A believer cannot fulfill the will of the father without the help of the Holy Spirit; that is the reason why Jesus told his disciples that they should tarry and wait on the Holy Spirit (Act 1:8) because Jesus knew that they would not have any power to do God’s will without tapping into the power source (Holy Spirit) of heaven.

The Holy Spirit is ready to align and prepare you to receive God’s favor and blessing. If you continue to walk humbly, trusting, and honoring God in spirit and truth, you will all be a magnet to God’s favor. Now, what decision will you make after reading these words? Will you tap into the extraordinary favor of God by honoring His Spirit, or will you remain as before reading and losing what is rightfully yours? The ball is now in your court.

You might be sick now but in the name of Jesus You shall be healed.
You might be low on money now but in name of Jesus you shall be prosperous.
You might have a broken heart but in the name of Jesus you shall be made whole.
You might be stressed now but in the name of Jesus you shall not stay there.

Your mind might mess up but in the name of Jesus, it shall be renewed.
Say to yourself, I am getting out of this situation in Jesus’s mighty name.
If you are spiritually crippled you will not remain in that state.
If you are spiritually blind you will not remain in that state.
You will not remain in spiritual bondage.
You will not remain under the occult power and influences of the enemy.
Not because you find yourself in a certain situation doesn’t mean you have to stay there.
Nothing is wrong if you find out that you are sick and need the doctor the problem is you not seeking and going to that doctor for help.
Not because you were born in poverty doesn’t mean that you have to remain in poverty.
Not because your father was mentally insane doesn’t mean that you have to be mentally insane
Listen in Jesus’s mighty name you will do what the past generation could not do
You will do in 1 year what takes others 10 years to do

Do you believe this?

Here is a great book to help you become more spiritually conscious of God’s plan for your life. From natural Sight to Supernatural insight

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