About Us
We are a Pentecostal church which teaches and preaches the revelatory knowledge of God throughout the nations. Kingdom alignment ministries is a community of bible believing and Spirit-filled believers from every nation, from all walks of life, age, gender, and race who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are called by God to raise and equip men and women to fulfill Jesus’s great commission (Mark 16:15-18) “and these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we will continue to demolish satanic barriers and advance into the destiny that God has ordained and orchestrated for his living church.

Many people often don’t realized how great a miracle salvation is until we are unable to get someone to give their life to Jesus during evangelism. It is a miracle much greater than any recreation miracle you can ever witness because it is only the Holy Spirit that convicts the hearts of men. This is not to say that praying for people and telling them about Jesus Christ is vanity. All that sows a seed that only the life-giving water of the Holy Spirit can irrigate and cause to germinate or bear fruit.
The Lord specializes in making his children as he is; becoming like God will cause you to lack nothing because God will give you everything that pertains to Godliness. Trust the Lord and he will take care of all your needs. Just have this consciousness that GIVING BIRTH TO DESTINY WILL REQUIRE YOU TO PUSH and at the end you will manifest the glory and the blessing of God in and throughout your life.
Are you prepared for Jesus’s arrival?
Do you have your wedding garment (on)?
Do you have enough oil in your lamp to sustain your pilgrim walk in this life?
Are you wise enough to make Godly decisions so that you are ready when the master returns?
Is the Spirit of God leading or are you leading your own life?
These are some of the questions I want to forward to you today. It is time for you to do an in-depth inspection of your spiritual alignment with God before at the end of time, you realize that you weren’t ready for his coming. Today, the kingdom of God is come upon you, but are you ready to walk and live in his kingdom?
Hebrew 12:27-29
‘And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.’
The greatest virtue that God gave to mankind is love; every single person’s greatest desire is to be loved. It is what many crave and even die for. A person will leave from one section of the world to another just in search of love. According to Wikipedia, “Love is a much more potent sentiment than a simple liking for a person. Unrequited love refers to these feeling of love that is not reciprocated.”
If Jesus hadn’t gone to the cross, we would still be in our sinful state and cut off from the Father’s love (1Peter 2:25 ). The sinful nature of our forefathers was passed on to us without you and I even have any say in the matter. Psalms 51:5 It is mentioned in Genesis that after the fall of man, their offspring no long took on the image and likeness of God, but now took on the image and likeness of their forefather’s (Genesis 5:3)
We are privileged to have the word of God: the most potent force in this world and beyond. Before the beginning of time, God’s word has been forging and creating things as He would want them; the Lord had articulated His words in a way that cause things to happen. In creation, we learned that when the Spirit of God moves to survey a situation and make a decision on what to do about that situation, the Lord would then speak and cause His word to manifest what had been spoken.
Men in their fallen state were at a point of spiritual sickness and were in desperate need of divine healing; they were weak to their fleshly nature and captive to the devil’s schemes and agenda. But throughout this entire period, God in His love had a way for them to get out of their situation; He planned to bring about His divine healing through His begotten Son (Jesus). The Lord was about to bring His heavenly kingdom’s principles to Earth in man. It would reverse every death and sickness; it would heal every wound of the past, present, and the future; it would have the power to remove bitterness, grief, every brokenhearted, troubled mind, anger, and replace them with peace, comfort, meekness, humility, love and the garment of praise. Consequently, in the end, God and only God would get praise. By the stripe of Jesus, man would be healed (Isaiah 53:5 ).
We are living in a generation wherein people are lawless, rebellious, and just want to have their way in society. I believe the greatest treason or crime an individual can ever commit is rebellion and disobedience against the government and the person Kingdom of God. Within the frame of the earth, the law within the country is constituted for people to abide by and follow. These laws were instituted so that crime and every unlawful act against its society can be avoided. No natural law is instituted to confuse but it was put in place so that order can be maintained and that justice is upheld. If the law of a country is rejected by its citizens you can guarantee that that country will plunge into chaos and confusion. No one will desire to visit that country.
First of all, there are two worlds we have to navigate in this life: one is the natural world, which looks more real and can be seen with our physical eyes, and the other is the spiritual world, which cannot be seen with our physical eyes yet it is more real than the natural world. (2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal).
It doesn’t matter how hard change might seem, if you are willing to embrace it, it will make your life a masterpiece.
As a human, one of the hardest things to accept or embrace is changes. Yet, without change, our lives would just be boring and seen as a daily routine. The main characteristic that brings about success, triumph, and the opportunities to overcome struggles is the ability to incorporate and embrace change in one’s life.
Winston Churchill said, success is not final, failure is not fatal: but it is the courage to continue that counts. It doesn’t matter what kind of changes transpire in your life, you must be willing to embrace, learn, and used those changes as an opportunity to triumph over your failure.