Men in their fallen state were at a point of spiritual sickness and were in desperate need of divine healing; they were weak to their fleshly nature and captive to the devil’s schemes and agenda. But throughout this entire period, God in His love had a way for them to get out of their situation; He planned to bring about His divine healing through His begotten Son (Jesus). The Lord was about to bring His heavenly kingdom’s principles to Earth in man. It would reverse every death and sickness; it would heal every wound of the past, present, and the future; it would have the power to remove bitterness, grief, every brokenhearted, troubled mind, anger, and replace them with peace, comfort, meekness, humility, love and the garment of praise. Consequently, in the end, God and only God would get praise. By the stripe of Jesus, man would be healed (Isaiah 53:5 ).
Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He proves that He came to bridge man back to their Father; through his blood, man would be renewed, refreshed, and made whole. God is a God of order, and since man was in a state of confusion and disorder, He died to restore the divine order of wholeness. (1 Corinthian 14:33)
Heaven is void of sickness, and when Jesus brought His heavenly kingdom to Earth, it caused anything He touches or anything that touches Him to the void of sickness. Heaven operates on different currencies, and God did also create Earth to operate on the same currencies, but Earth was corrupted by sin. Although Jesus walked in the flesh, yet He was Heaven on Earth; everywhere He went, things adjusted to invite Him in. The level of authority He operated on caused everything to bow to him; even when demons saw Him (Jesus), they cried out for mercy, not wanting to receive destruction before their time. Sickness fled at His command, the blind received their sight, lepers were cleansed, and the lame walked again. (Luke 4:41 (Mathew 8:3 (Mathew 11:5).
Think of it as a man who built his house in a place where once a mighty river flowed; he was very comfortable in his house, but one day after a storm, the river returned. What do you think would happen to that house and its occupants? In the same way, when Jesus returns in His second coming, to reclaim His people, what do you think will happen to those who neither believed in Him nor followed His command? Ezekiel 47:9.
Jesus came to set His sons and daughters free; only a free man can set someone else free. Jesus was free from sin, yet he took on the sins of His children so that they would be able to lead a life of freedom through Him. That is how great the love of God is. He gave His life to give us life; it doesn’t matter what your situation is. You have the power to walk in freedom in Christ. John 8:34-36 To receive Christ’s healing, you will have to be a son or daughter, no salve will walk into His master’s house and lie in his bed. Only a son/daughter would be able to do this because they know He is free to do it. Freedom has the power to strip everything that causes bondage; but how does one get God’s freedom? So that they can receive divine healing I will show you eight heavenly keys that can bring you healing through the power of Jesus Christ’s shed blood.
Believe and Have Faith
- First, you have to believe and have faith in Jesus’ death and the resurrection’s power that has saved you from all sin. John3:36 There has to be a shift from natural to faith; you need divine help, and Jesus is the only help out of your situation John 14:6 Jesus will not turn away those who believe and trust in Him, because that is the reason He came, and those are the people He is seeking.
Repent from Your Sin
- Second, you have to repent from all your sin; that means you have to turn from the direction in which you are heading to the direction that the Lord is leading. Without repentance, Jesus cannot lead you and will not lead you because He is Holy and doesn’t walk with Rather, He wants to turn you from sin to holiness in Him. Ephesians 4:17-24 . Only true repentance will cause you to desire the things of God because true repentance leads to the death of the flesh and enable you to live by the spirit of God. Let the fear and love of God mold and shape you according to His will; which will bring forth complete healing of your mind, soul, and body Malachi 4:2.
Confess Jesus as Your Lord
- Third, you have to confess Him as your Lord and Savior; Jesus came to redeem humanity and while doing it He confesses us to the father, and intern we have to confess Him to man. The Lord wants to give us a deeper understanding of the victory He won for us. Romans 10:8-11 Jesus was not ashamed of you; neither should you be ashamed of Him. Luke 12:8-9.
Forgive Others
- Fourth, you have to forgive; without forgiving others who might have hurt or done you wrong, the Father will not forgive you of your trespasses against Him. Matthew 6:14-15; if He says you have to forgive others, there isn’t any other way out of it. Without forgiving others, you will continue to live in bondage, misery, sickness, bitterness, and anger; it’s only through freeing others that you will be set free. God’s thought is higher than ours, and He knows best so let’s forgive others and so that we can walk in the divine healing that the Lord promised to us Isaiah 55:8.
Born Again by the Spirit
- Fifth, you have to be born again of the spirit; being baptized is vital in becoming a child of God. Without being born again of the water and the spirit, it is impossible to see God; Jesus taught this principle to Nicodemus as he came in secret at night to see Him John 3:1-21.
When a person gets baptized in the name of Jesus, it shows that he or she has died, buried their old human nature and tendencies, and has been quickened (regained spiritual life) by the power of the life-giving spirit, so they no longer live by their fleshly nature but by the Holy Spirit leading. Jesus wants us to grow and strive spiritually and destroying the works of the fleshly nature, which must die or else it will corrupt and destroy everything the spirit tries to accomplish. The fleshly nature is a rebel and only desires earthly things, but the spiritual nature is heavenly minded, and God is the source of its strength.
For example, for a person to have all the rights of the country where he resides, he must first become a citizen. In the same way, to have the right of heavenly privileges, you need to be a citizen; and to be born again is the access point to inherit it. Even Jesus Himself embraced His message; he was baptized as an example for us to follow. Matthew 3:13-17 Also, without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you won’t be able to walk in power and victory; so, both baptisms of water and baptism of the Holy Spirit are most important. (Acts 2:1-4). You can read more about the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the chapter that speaks about the purpose of the Holy Spirit.
Renounce and Forsake
- Sixth, you have to renounce anything that is not of or according to God’s will and replace them with God’s words. Renounce things such as divination, witchcraft, sought omens, consulting mediums, and spiritists; the Lord hates these acts(2 Chronicles 33:6 ). These acts only limit and rob you of your blessings in God. Here is some scripture speaking against these actions. Leviticus 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:10-14, Micah 5:10-12, and Galatians 5:19-21. Divine healing only comes through faith, love, and obedience to the will and purposes of God.
Love Others
- Without love, we are most miserable. Paul writes that love is the fulfillment of the law of God. (Roman 13:8-13 ). The only reason Jesus came to save us was because of His love for us. (John 3:16). In the same way, God loves us, we must also love others because we are an extension of Christ; by loving others, we show that Christ is working in and through us. (1John 4:7-12 ). Just as you want to receive God’s love, by the same token, you must also show As Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “do unto others what you would want them to do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12.
- Prayers area means by which we commune and remain in fellowship with God. Prayer is a spiritual force to be reckoned It is through prayer that we receive spiritual strength and dominion from God. It is through prayer that our enemy is destroyed. It is through prayer that things are shifted within the spirit. Prayers, and praise, cause God to arise and your enemy to scatter. Paul reminds us that to maintain what Jesus already attained, we have to pray always. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Jesus taught His disciples how to pray the heavenly mandate on Earth. He told them that prayer is key to open and close Heaven and destroy the plot and schemes of the devil. All you need to do is ask of the Father in Jesus’ name (Matthew 7:7-11 Through scripture, many prayed and God answered Elijah’s prayer, and God answered by fire (1 Kings 18:24). Abraham prayed for a son and gave him a son (Genesis 15:2-6). Daniel prayed and God closed the lion so that it couldn’t touch him (Daniel 6:22). In the same way, the Lord did these miraculous things for them; He will also do this for us. The Lord will never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). There is no pit too deep that God cannot reach (Psalm 139:7-12). Pray not only for yourself but also for others (Luke 6:28). By praying for others, the Lord will also answer your prayers. If you want to be empowered and walk-in healing, you need to pray always without ceasing. If you walk by these spiritual principles divine healing will overtake you.
Only God’s healing can restore health to every area of your life. Ask the Lord to help you to forgive others and also yourself. Ask the Lord to help you to see others in the same light as He sees them and enable you to love the unlovable. Ask the Lord to heal you from every heartache, brokenness, grief, negative mindset, judgmental ways, and rebellion. Thank the Lord for the victory that He has wrought in you and for His healing power, which is working in and through you in Jesus’ mighty name.
Learn more about the Spirit of God