The victory that is given when a believer prays

The Victory That Is Given When A Believer Prays
These blog articles are for Christian or non-christian who wants a deeper understanding and insight about the kingdom of God. I believe these inspired articles will shift your thinking and cultivate your spirit to know and understand your role and purpose on this earth.

Most times we have only received the basic definition that prayer is talking to God. Unfortunately, most believers don’t know that there is another side to the story; the side where God speaks to us. How often do you see people going on and on about what’s in their heart in prayer then leaving without hearing what God has to say concerning the matter? Too often, I presume. Prayer is God’s unique form of communication with you after you receive salvation because you become a son in the kingdom through Jesus Christ. You are further equipped with the Holy Spirit of God who teaches you how you should pray. Many of the ministers that have experienced the power of God have done so successfully because they understand the entirely of prayer and hear God.

Kingdom Alignment radio is one of the many Christian radio stations that sensitize believers and the whole world on matters of faith and kingdom alignment. Romans 10:14 says, “how then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? The Lord desires to have a personal relationship with each one that calls upon His name and it all begins with salvation. It is in that place of prayer and communion with God that you are strengthened with might in the inner man. If such online Christian radio stations like Kingdom Alignment Radio did not exist, it would be difficult to air out this beautiful gospel to the world. Glory be to God for the limits that have been broken to see the gospel spreading fast through the many Christian radio stations in Canada and around the world.

There is no denying that there are countless books on prayer by different authors like Pastor Kayon Watson Ministry. All these books in collaboration with the online gospel radio station is to help you discover your true identity and live the life that God has purposed for you. The internet searches in today’s world are full of terms that suggest distress like “how to deal with stress.” The truth is that all the answers to the world’s troubles are found in God and can only be downloaded to this realm through prayer. God must have known that times of stress would come and made sure to include scriptures like Philippians 4:6 that says “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…” While the world is so full of remedies for all the pain and suffering we see, the most conclusive answer would be prayer.

Do you ever wonder why the power of prayer has been downplayed today? It’s because not many believers give prayer the seriousness it deserves, and few among the minority stay in that place of prayer long enough to get God’s response after they table their petitions to Him. The delays we experience after making our requests known to God rarely have anything to do with God’s prolonged response to your prayer. He hears and He responds for those that are willing to stay long enough to hear what He has to say. It is like being on a phone call with a friend and hanging up after saying all you wanted to say without listening to what they have to say in return! Prayer isn’t any different from the communication you have with a fellow person, only that you are addressing God with reverence.

Did you know there are different types of prayer? It is just as diverse as the conversations you would have with people in your life. You don’t just call people to ask for things all the time, do you? Sometimes you just want to catch up with a good friend, to thank someone for something, or even to let someone know how much you love them. Although there are people that only remember to pray when they are in trouble, it shouldn’t be so. Let’s look at some types of prayer below.

1.    Petition

A petition prayer is where you come to ask God for something you need. It is the prayer mentioned in Philippians 4:6 stated above. You come to God as the petitioner with the faith that He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

2.    Intercession

Intercessory prayer involves speaking to God on behalf of another for whatever reason. It could be to make a petition for them, or just presenting their case before God. The ideal example of intercession is the Holy Spirit who makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26) Jesus Christ is also our ideal intercessor as we are told in Romans 8:34 that Christ is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us.

3.    Communion

Sometimes there is nothing to go and ask for from God. He desires to spend time with you so you can know Him more intimately as you should. Just as a couple set apart time to bond and get intimate, you should also have your communion time with God. Songs of Solomon is a good illustration of the messages of love that is expressed in that secret place.

4.    Repentance

Psalm 51:17 says “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise.” A prayer of repentance is always necessary when you deviate from God’s path for you. The first prayer of repentance every believer makes is the prayer of repentance unto salvation.

5.    Praise and Exaltation

According to Psalm 22:3 that says, “but You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel,” Your prayer of praise and exaltation magnifies the reality of God in your life above all else. As you pray to God and exalt Him, you are silencing all other noises around you and choosing to focus on the marvelous nature of God.

As we engage in whichever kind of prayer discussed above, the Lord responds to each one accordingly. The only way to come to realization is when we truly pay attention to His response and wait long enough to hear what He has to say.

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